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Lacing Words
poetry and short fiction from authors around the world. the subjects are varied, but the truths are universal. not only will their words entertain you, they will encourage you to ponder.
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Lacing Words: Stitching Shadows
continuing your eclectic journey through poetry and short fiction with authors from around the world. we welcome you and hope you enjoy lacing words: stitching shadows.
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Aphorisms, One-Liners, Bon Mots - AG
from the irreverent to the reverent, from the profane to the profound, from the hilarious to the serious... i hope you find this book as enjoyable and thought-provoking to read as it was for me to write. - AG
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Heartstrings are Silver - AG
silver... somewhere twixt black and white, daylight and dark. a precious metal, malleable, polishable, versatile - used in making mirrors, coins, jewelry, cutlery, fancy candlesticks, photographic plates. argentum. symbol - AG
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Echoes - collaboration with AG
We hope you enjoy Echoes, our collection of poems we've forgotten. And remembered. Luckily, words don't get dusty.We almost named the book CRS: Can't Remember Shit, but maybe that's a title for another day. We just don't remember...
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