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haiku / short poetry

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vertigo girl: an eclectic collection
haiku. those little poems of three lines, five syllables - seven - and five. worlds can be contained in those 17 syllables. snapshots of life. cats, seasons, emotions, poetry itself. what impact can such a seemingly small thing have? every ripple moves steadily outward, growing and reaching. serious or whimsical, each one speaks with its own voice.
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she does interpretive dance
poets are said to bleed onto the page, and these sometimes whimsical and sometimes heart-wrenching inkblots continue in “she does interpretive dance.” this volume contains more of the haiku you've become familiar with in “vertigo girl,” but micropoetry and two-word poems make their debut. micropoetry is that very short verse you've seen in twitter and other such venues, and two-word poetry? it is a challenge, an exercise in contemplation, in letting your mind wander and be a partner in the creation of the poem. each one will be unique to you, and may even change over time, depending on your frame of mind.
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counting hawks
poetry for your soul.. the series continues with more haiku, micropoetry, and two-word poems. hawks write poetry with every flight. watch, count, see the world around us through every poem. become.
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three quarter moon
continue your journey with short poetry - haiku, micropoetry, limericks, and two word poems. experience how much can be said, and felt, in a few well-chosen and well-placed words. words have power, and more so when they're used judiciously. walk with me through poetry for your soul.
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